Bootstrap application to help developer start a new android application.Bootstrap application to help developer start a new android application.What y
Bootstrap application to help developer start a new android application.
Bootstrap application to help developer start a new android application.
What you can find inside :
* Implemented UI Patterns
- Material Design
- Navigation Drawer, NavigationView, CoordinatorLayout, AppBarLayout, ToolBar (AppCompatActivity)
- List/Detail (fragment)
- Cardview
- Pull To Refresh
- Spinner in ToolBar
- Contextual toasts with SnackBar
* Improove UX
- Fragment transition
- Different layouts in landscape mode
- No splashscreen (because anti-pattern)
* Architecture
- Dependency injection with Dagger
- RxJava for asking permissions and network requests
* Persistence
- Sqlite Database : manage creation/upgrade of database using sql scripts
- ContentProvider examples
- AsyncTaskLoader and CursorLoader
* Network
- Json Request with Retrofit and okhttp
- SyncAdapter
- Retrieve posts from wordpress website
* Geoloc
- Localization with Google Play Services
- Geocoder example, Distance compute, sort by distance
* Promote your app
- Link to the application on Google Play Store for adding rating/comments
- ChangeLog screen (can show what's new since previous version or display full changelog)
* Monetize your app
- Integration of admob
- Donation screen (paypal)
* Others
- User sign in (facebook, google+
- PreferencesFragmentCompat
- Eula (End User Licence Agreement) : accept/refuse Eula on first time or just display.
- Multidex enabled.